Parents appeal for video tape of tragic Danny’s school play

A family from Greenacres have appealed for help in finding a recording of a school nativity play from the Friary Infants school which took place in 2008. Seven-year-old Danny McFadden played Joseph in the school nativity play just before Christmas in 2008. Watching on where his proud parents Mary and Dessie McFadden as well as his older brothers Liam and Ryan. Tragically, Danny passed away in January 2010, aged just eight, having fallen ill a couple of months earlier after developing a brain tumour.

Danny’s mother Mary was recently reminded of her son playing Joseph in the Friary school nativity play and the idea came to her that perhaps there is a recording of the play out there somewhere which she would dearly love to see.

“I have plenty of photos of Danny but no video footage at all and it struck me about a year ago that maybe there was a recording of Danny on stage from the nativity play in the Friary. I can still remember how proud Danny was when he was asked to play Joseph and he loved being up on stage that evening. I have a vague recollection of somebody recording the play but despite putting the word out on facebook last year I haven’t been able to locate any recordings unfortunately.

“Danny’s death still lives with us all and there’s not a day that goes by that we don’t think of him. He was such a beautiful outgoing friendly child and we were distraught when he left us. To be able to see him again on video would bring us all such joy and I’m just hoping that somebody somewhere might have a recording of that video in their homes. I’m nearly sure it was just before Christmas in 2008 that the play took place.

“All my boys went to the Friary school and I couldn’t say enough good things about the place. It was a fantastic school and Danny’s teacher Mr Stanley was especially nice. He was such a lovely kind man and a brilliant Principal. I know it’s a long shot but I would be eternally grateful if anybody could help me with this and source this recording if it is out there somewhere,” stated Mary.

The Dundalk Leader contacted the Friary Infant’s school asking if the school would have taken a recording of the play but we were told that they would not have. If any parents can recall taking a video of the Friary Nativity play from 2008 they can contact or call the office on 0429320888.

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