Ciara Breen’s disappearance the subject of new TG4 documentary

Ar Iarraidh is a new four-part documentary series by Midas Productions for TG4 which tells the stories of those missing through the eyes of their family and friends. The first episode focuses on the disappearance of Dundalk teenager Ciara Breen in 1997. Despite exhaustive investigations as well as searches in Dundalk, Ciara has never been found.

On 13th February 1997, Ciara Breen disappeared from her home in Bachelor’s Walk, Dundalk. She was never seen again. For over 20 years Ciara’s mother, Bernadette Breen, lived with the uncertainty of her only child’s faith, before sadly passing away.

A local man became the main suspect after there were concerns raised regarding the relationship he had with Ciara. Even with these concerns, there wasn’t enough evidence to make an arrest at that time. Regardless, the search for Ciara went on.

Years after Ciara’s disappearance, in 2015, did a search take place in an area called Balmer’s Bog, after a new lead detective, Pat Marry, began investigating Ciara’s case.

On the night she disappeared, it was suspected that Ciara had been wearing a floral dress, so there was great hope when a dress matching that description was unearthed in the bog. The dress was photographed and placed in evidence. The investigators were hopeful that Ciara’s mother could identify this as her daughter’s dress, although Bernadette could not confirm that it was.

Bernadette never got an answer to her final appeal. She died on the 28th of June 2018. Ciara and Bernadette’s remaining family are appealing to the public to come forward with any information they might have on what happened to Ciara that night.

This programme looks at a family who continue to ask the questions their loved ones never got answers to. We also have interviews with the now retired lead investigator on the case, Ciara’s former teacher, local journalists, and a former colleague of Bernadette Breen.

Ar Iarraidh – Ciara Breen airs on Wednesday 1st May at 9.30pm on TG4 and on the TG4 Player

Helpline Information
If you are affected by any of the content please contact:
Women’s Aid – 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900 Samaritans Ireland Freephone: 116 123 or email

If you have any information please contact the National Missing Persons Helpline on 1800 442 552 or at

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